Source code for pycave.bayes.gmm.model

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
import torch
from lightkit.nn import Configurable
from torch import jit, nn
from pycave.bayes.core import covariance, covariance_shape, CovarianceType
from pycave.bayes.core._jit import jit_log_normal, jit_sample_normal

[docs]@dataclass class GaussianMixtureModelConfig: """ Configuration class for a Gaussian mixture model. See also: :class:`GaussianMixtureModel` """ #: The number of components in the GMM. num_components: int #: The number of features for the GMM's components. num_features: int #: The type of covariance to use for the components. covariance_type: CovarianceType
[docs]class GaussianMixtureModel(Configurable[GaussianMixtureModelConfig], nn.Module): """ PyTorch module for a Gaussian mixture model. Covariances are represented via their Cholesky decomposition for computational efficiency. The model does not have trainable parameters. """ #: The probabilities of each component, buffer of shape ``[num_components]``. component_probs: torch.Tensor #: The means of each component, buffer of shape ``[num_components, num_features]``. means: torch.Tensor #: The precision matrices for the components' covariances, buffer with a shape dependent #: on the covariance type, see :class:`CovarianceType`. precisions_cholesky: torch.Tensor def __init__(self, config: GaussianMixtureModelConfig): """ Args: config: The configuration to use for initializing the module's buffers. """ super().__init__(config) self.covariance_type = config.covariance_type self.register_buffer("component_probs", torch.empty(config.num_components)) self.register_buffer("means", torch.empty(config.num_components, config.num_features)) shape = covariance_shape( config.num_components, config.num_features, config.covariance_type ) self.register_buffer("precisions_cholesky", torch.empty(shape)) self.reset_parameters() @jit.unused # type: ignore @property def covariances(self) -> torch.Tensor: """ The covariance matrices learnt for the GMM's components. The shape of the tensor depends on the covariance type, see :class:`CovarianceType`. """ return covariance(self.precisions_cholesky, self.covariance_type) # type: ignore
[docs] @jit.unused def reset_parameters(self) -> None: """ Resets the parameters of the GMM. - Component probabilities are initialized via uniform sampling and normalization. - Means are initialized randomly from a Standard Normal. - Cholesky precisions are initialized randomly based on the covariance type. For all covariance types, it is based on uniform sampling. """ nn.init.uniform_(self.component_probs) self.component_probs.div_(self.component_probs.sum()) nn.init.normal_(self.means) nn.init.uniform_(self.precisions_cholesky) if self.covariance_type in ("full", "tied"): self.precisions_cholesky.tril_()
[docs] def forward(self, data: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Computes the log-probability of observing each of the provided datapoints for each of the GMM's components. Args: data: A tensor of shape ``[num_datapoints, num_features]`` for which to compute the log-probabilities. Returns: - A tensor of shape ``[num_datapoints, num_components]`` with the log-responsibilities for each datapoint and components. These are the logits of the Categorical distribution over the parameters. - A tensor of shape ``[num_datapoints]`` with the log-likelihood of each datapoint. """ log_probabilities = jit_log_normal( data, self.means, self.precisions_cholesky, self.covariance_type ) log_responsibilities = log_probabilities + self.component_probs.log() log_prob = log_responsibilities.logsumexp(1, keepdim=True) return log_responsibilities - log_prob, log_prob.squeeze(1)
[docs] def sample(self, num_datapoints: int) -> torch.Tensor: """ Samples the provided number of datapoints from the GMM. Args: num_datapoints: The number of datapoints to sample. Returns: A tensor of shape ``[num_datapoints, num_features]`` with the random samples. Attention: This method does not automatically perform batching. If you need to sample many datapoints, call this method multiple times. """ # First, we sample counts for each component_counts = np.random.multinomial(num_datapoints, self.component_probs.numpy()) # Then, we generate datapoints for each components result = [] for i, count in enumerate(component_counts): sample = jit_sample_normal( count.item(), self.means[i], self._get_component_precision(i), self.covariance_type, ) result.append(sample) return, dim=0)
def _get_component_precision(self, component: int) -> torch.Tensor: if self.covariance_type == "tied": return self.precisions_cholesky return self.precisions_cholesky[component]