Source code for pycave.clustering.kmeans.estimator

from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from typing import Any, cast, List
import torch
from lightkit import ConfigurableBaseEstimator
from import collate_tensor, DataLoader, dataset_from_tensors, TensorLike
from lightkit.estimator import PredictorMixin, TransformerMixin
from .lightning_module import (
from .model import KMeansModel, KMeansModelConfig
from .types import KMeansInitStrategy

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class KMeans( ConfigurableBaseEstimator[KMeansModel], # type: ignore TransformerMixin[TensorLike, torch.Tensor], PredictorMixin[TensorLike, torch.Tensor], ): """ Model for clustering data into a predefined number of clusters. More information on K-means clustering is available on `Wikipedia <>`_. See also: .. currentmodule:: pycave.clustering.kmeans .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :template: classes/pytorch_module.rst KMeansModel KMeansModelConfig """ #: The fitted PyTorch module with all estimated parameters. model_: KMeansModel #: A boolean indicating whether the model converged during training. converged_: bool #: The number of iterations the model was fitted for, excluding initialization. num_iter_: int #: The mean squared distance of all datapoints to their closest cluster centers. inertia_: float def __init__( self, num_clusters: int = 1, *, init_strategy: KMeansInitStrategy = "kmeans++", convergence_tolerance: float = 1e-4, batch_size: int | None = None, trainer_params: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ): """ Args: num_clusters: The number of clusters. init_strategy: The strategy for initializing centroids. convergence_tolerance: Training is conducted until the Frobenius norm of the change between cluster centroids falls below this threshold. The tolerance is multiplied by the average variance of the features. batch_size: The batch size to use when fitting the model. If not provided, the full data will be used as a single batch. Set this if the full data does not fit into memory. trainer_params: Initialization parameters to use when initializing a PyTorch Lightning trainer. By default, it disables various stdout logs unless PyCave is configured to do verbose logging. Checkpointing and logging are disabled regardless of the log level. This estimator further sets the following overridable defaults: - ``max_epochs=300`` Note: The number of epochs passed to the initializer only define the number of optimization epochs. Prior to that, initialization is run which may perform additional iterations through the data. """ super().__init__( default_params=dict(max_epochs=300), user_params=trainer_params, ) # Assign other properties self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_clusters = num_clusters self.init_strategy = init_strategy self.convergence_tolerance = convergence_tolerance
[docs] def fit(self, data: TensorLike) -> KMeans: """ Fits the KMeans model on the provided data by running Lloyd's algorithm. Args: data: The tabular data to fit on. The dimensionality of the KMeans model is automatically inferred from this data. Returns: The fitted KMeans model. """ # Initialize model num_features = len(data[0]) config = KMeansModelConfig( num_clusters=self.num_clusters, num_features=num_features, ) self.model_ = KMeansModel(config) # Setup the data loading loader = DataLoader( dataset_from_tensors(data), batch_size=self.batch_size or len(data), collate_fn=collate_tensor, ) is_batch_training = self._num_batches_per_epoch(loader) > 1 # First, initialize the centroids if self.init_strategy == "random": module = KmeansRandomInitLightningModule(self.model_) num_epochs = 1 else: module = KmeansPlusPlusInitLightningModule( self.model_, is_batch_training=is_batch_training, ) num_epochs = 2 * config.num_clusters - 1"Running initialization...") self.trainer(max_epochs=num_epochs).fit(module, loader) # Then, in order to find the right convergence tolerance, we need to compute the variance # of the data. if self.convergence_tolerance != 0: variances = torch.empty(config.num_features) module = FeatureVarianceLightningModule(variances) self.trainer().fit(module, loader) tolerance_multiplier = cast(float, variances.mean().item()) convergence_tolerance = self.convergence_tolerance * tolerance_multiplier else: convergence_tolerance = 0 # Then, we can fit the actual model. We need a new trainer for that"Fitting K-Means...") trainer = self.trainer() module = KMeansLightningModule( self.model_, convergence_tolerance=convergence_tolerance, ), loader) # Assign convergence properties self.num_iter_ = module.current_epoch self.converged_ = module.current_epoch < trainer.max_epochs if "inertia" in trainer.callback_metrics: self.inertia_ = cast(float, trainer.callback_metrics["inertia"].item()) return self
[docs] def predict(self, data: TensorLike) -> torch.Tensor: """ Predicts the closest cluster for each item provided. Args: data: The datapoints for which to predict the clusters. Returns: Tensor of shape ``[num_datapoints]`` with the index of the closest cluster for each datapoint. Attention: When calling this function in a multi-process environment, each process receives only a subset of the predictions. If you want to aggregate predictions, make sure to gather the values returned from this method. """ loader = DataLoader( dataset_from_tensors(data), batch_size=self.batch_size or len(data), collate_fn=collate_tensor, ) result = self.trainer().predict( KMeansLightningModule(self.model_, predict_target="assignments"), loader ) return[torch.Tensor], result))
[docs] def score(self, data: TensorLike) -> float: """ Computes the average inertia of all the provided datapoints. That is, it computes the mean squared distance to each datapoint's closest centroid. Args: data: The data for which to compute the average inertia. Returns: The average inertia. Note: See :meth:`score_samples` to obtain the inertia for individual sequences. """ loader = DataLoader( dataset_from_tensors(data), batch_size=self.batch_size or len(data), collate_fn=collate_tensor, ) result = self.trainer().test(KMeansLightningModule(self.model_), loader, verbose=False) return result[0]["inertia"]
[docs] def score_samples(self, data: TensorLike) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the inertia for each of the the provided datapoints. That is, it computes the mean squared distance of each datapoint to its closest centroid. Args: data: The data for which to compute the inertia values. Returns: A tensor of shape ``[num_datapoints]`` with the inertia of each datapoint. Attention: When calling this function in a multi-process environment, each process receives only a subset of the predictions. If you want to aggregate predictions, make sure to gather the values returned from this method. """ loader = DataLoader( dataset_from_tensors(data), batch_size=self.batch_size or len(data), collate_fn=collate_tensor, ) result = self.trainer().predict( KMeansLightningModule(self.model_, predict_target="inertias"), loader ) return[torch.Tensor], result))
[docs] def transform(self, data: TensorLike) -> torch.Tensor: """ Transforms the provided data into the cluster-distance space. That is, it returns the distance of each datapoint to each cluster centroid. Args: data: The data to transform. Returns: A tensor of shape ``[num_datapoints, num_clusters]`` with the distances to the cluster centroids. Attention: When calling this function in a multi-process environment, each process receives only a subset of the predictions. If you want to aggregate predictions, make sure to gather the values returned from this method. """ loader = DataLoader( dataset_from_tensors(data), batch_size=self.batch_size or len(data), collate_fn=collate_tensor, ) result = self.trainer().predict( KMeansLightningModule(self.model_, predict_target="distances"), loader ) return[torch.Tensor], result))